CEO on Fire

CEO on Fire Executive coaching

Being successful in business is hard.

Being successful in personal relationships is harder.

If you want your private life to help you live up to your life’s goals and to know that everything you are doing is in service to your life’s purpose on earth, consider joining us.

We offer a safe space for you to discuss what you’re doing with your personal relationships, explore new strategies for improving your private life, improve your family dynamics, and feel as powerful internally as you do externally.
Private Coaching
CEO on Fire members have an appointed coach that meets with them privately once a week for 60 minutes. These digital meetings are led by the coach and are a collaborative process between the coach and the member. During this time the member will be guided in strategies to optimize their private life. They will implement these strategies during the week and report back to their coach the following week.
Member's Portal
Each week you will work with your private coach and she will give you the strategy to implement that week in your intimate life. This plan for your success will be found in your online member’s portal that you can access 24/7 from anywhere in the world.
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Qualifications to join us

Commitment to attend virtual coaching sessions.

Must be holding the title of President, CEO, Managing Director, Managing Partner, or equivalent title of a business earning a minimum of $1 million US in revenue during the most recent fiscal year.

Excitement to share and willingness to be coached.

Five figure financial investment for membership and private coaching.

*Please note that meeting these requirements does not automatically guarantee admittance into CEO on Fire. There are other important, less easily defined requirements that also need to be met. These are at the discretion of CEO on Fire.

If you are interested in learning more about CEO on Fire, please complete the contact form below.